Heal and Elevate your Soul Contracts
Elevate to new Soul Mate Connections
Clear Old Belief Systems
Heal Ancestral Pathways
Reframe and Free Your Perspective
Reconnect to Your Original Divine Bond
The Soul Integration process frees you from your particular brands of suffering, reveals and releases the binding that holds you to lower vibrational loops and experiences, heals your relationships, and ultimately (and very intentionally) invites in your Essence to participate in your everyday experience through a special integration process. By reaffirming your connection to spirit and intentionally inviting your Essence to participate in your life, you deliver knowing and guidance into all your life choices.
Hello, fellow journeyer... Are you ready to become who you were meant to be?
The Soul Integration Journey gives you the foundation to consciously co-create a life experience with Divine Essence as part of your everyday life. This 6-week Spiritual Intensive ushers you back to your original and first balanced self. Healing your fears and hurts. Replacing false knowing (fears and suffering) with original knowing. Truly manifesting the highest life experience you were meant to share with the world is possible. Are you ready to co-create with Spirit and blend your choices with the possibilities that a profound and healed Being can create? Awareness and knowing is possible. Healing and freedom is possible. If you are ready, it is here.
But make no mistake - this is an extremely powerful experience and not one to be taken lightly. A consultation is required of all those seeking to embark on this journey. This one-hour consultation is to ensure you are ready; part reading, part information and conversation. We look at where you are and discuss goals, mindset, availability, and spirit provides us guidance on next steps. Please be advised that the consultation is non-refundable should you not progress to the full Soul Integration Journey.
Book your Soul Integratio1n Journey by Clicking HERE!
About the Soul Journey Intensive
We take an in-depth and comprehensive approach to your healing through multiple, intensive two-hour+ sessions. Through his highly experiential, customized journey we address:
core and limiting beliefs
your agreements and relationships, vows and connections
ancestral influence and healing
elevating your life potentials, agreements and soul mate connections
healing pain and suffering
opening awareness channels within your Being
delivering healing tools, techniques and processes that are customized to your intent, needs and motivations
With each Soul Integration client, I embark on an individual and unique journey to customize the experiences to the client's needs, wants, challenges and gifts. Spirit will inform us of anticipated length needed to clear what is desired. Typically the Soul Integration journey is initiated over 6 weeks with two-hour (or longer) sessions, one each week. I am committed to doing this work on behalf of others and all of Consciousness and strive to make it as accessible as possible. Please contact me for a consultation so we can outline your Soul Integration journey and begin your healing.